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VVOB has been supporting education in Uganda since 2019

The agricultural sector will continue to be the backbone of the economy of Uganda, yet agriculture is taught in a very theoretical manner in Uganda’s lower secondary education (O-level) and secondary technical and vocational education and training (TVET). To ensure young people have the competencies they need to secure a future in the sector, VVOB invests in effective pre-service training for agriculture teachers and instructors and in strengthening the contribution of teacher and instructor training institutions in continuous professional development.


Uganda is also one of the largest refugee-hosting nations in the world. Refugee learners attend school together with their Ugandan peers. Faced with complex challenges, many of these learners in refugee hosting communities fall behind. To help adolescent learners in primary education catch up and thrive in their future endeavours, VVOB supports schools to implement remedial teaching methodologies.


Strengthening Learning through Play in early childhood education is a third focus of VVOB in Uganda. Playful Learning taps into the motivation of teachers, parents, and other stakeholders to see children advance in literacy and numeracy from an early age and provides a clear focus and hands-on approach to build teachers' play facilitation skills. 

Our focus in Uganda is on:

  • Early childhood education
  • Primary education
  • Secondary education
  • Secondary TVET

Our key areas of work include:

  • Initial teacher and instructor education – Strengthening the agriculture departments of teacher and instructor training institutions in the areas of vocational pedagogy and didactics; practice teaching; industrial attachment; and the introduction of entrepreneurship education.


  • Enabling environment – Creating necessary conditions for further agriculture teacher / instructor workforce development for O-level agriculture and certificate-level agricultural TVET by building evidence; sharing knowledge with relevant national and regional stakeholders; and preparing teacher and instructor training institutions for the delivery of in-service training.


  • Remedial teaching - contextualising teaching for refugee hosting communities; implementing Teaching at the Right level for numeracy and literacy; embedding transferable skills in remedial teaching methodologies; supporting the Ministry of Education and Sports to determine the most effective intervention model for Uganda's refugee education policy.


  • Learning through Play - the Improving Teaching Skills on Playful Learning for Africa's Youngest project, in short IT's PLAY, strengthens learning through Play in early childhood education in Zambia, Rwanda and Uganda by introducing playful learning for emergent literacy and numeracy development.